Real People With Real Results

Hear what everyone is saying about the Gold Leaf


Truly monster pie. Aloe vera grown from a cutting to this size in only 12 months. Normally takes 3-4 years.

Gary Burchfield, Owner, The Urban Garden, Columbia, SC

I am very impressed with Gold Leaf so far. I can’t believe this is truly a one bottle does all product. We have been trying to find this “magic bullet” for ten years! We chose a few customers with different levels of experience to try out Gold Leaf and the customer who has never grown a plant in his life had crazy stunning results. I am blown away. You have a great product. Good luck and I am certain the orders will continue to pour in.

Chad G.

This stuff is the BOMB! No kidding… My plants were a little yellow. Now they are so GREEN they look blue! Healthy plants are happy ones!

Don H.

I feel I need to address this product. I am in the southeast. High temps and high humidity. I grow outdoors in tents from April to December. The only nutes I use are Fish Shit and Gold Leaf. Five weeks ago, I had rot bad on one of my six foot plants. I cut over five ounces of trash off. I started a high dose of Gold Leaf twice a week and now this thing is incredible. The colas and new growth are awesome. I am letting the colas fatten. Your product and fish shit are all I will use. It’s simple and easy and really helps a lot. I am going to wait as long as I can to chop. Right now it looks like I will get several more good ounces once it’s all done. Thanx so much. And I would recommend this to anyone confused about nutrients. Y’all are awesome. Thank you.

Tony Abdallah, Owner

Pure High 420 in Michigan sells Gold Leaf. It’s an awesome product.

Diane F.

This product meets your plant needs! I used this product on my plants and it stimulated the growth! My plants are beautiful and the healthiest that I have ever seen them! I love this product! 

Jarmal H.

Love the ease of this product. Dechlorinates water instantly and perfect pH every time!! My plants love it!! I’ve never really run into deficiencies using this, though I do use one or two additives sporadically throughout my grow. 

Dan O.

I use a product called slf1000 with Gold Leaf. I mix it together and it does amazing things to my roots. I had to pull a male up 2 weeks ago and the way my roots were looking was amazing. Man, I’ve actually never seen roots look so healthy.


Fantastic single source nutrient.  This stuff is amazing. I’m using unfiltered, very hard well water, minor pH Down adjustments (honestly, Gold Leaf does pretty good at pH buffering compared to other products with way less pH Down needed for my water) and some added microbes at phase changes, and I’ve never seen results like this. Try it on one pipeline/tray/bucket and you’ll switch your whole grow over. Also, Gold Leaf is fantastic as a low-dose additive for houseplants and works better than proprietary blends for Aerogarden and other pre-fab hydro systems for garden greens and herbs. I’ve been using Gold Leaf for a little over two months (a liter goes a long way) and can’t imagine better results. 


Best stuff ever. You will not be disappointed, and I’m getting nothing for this review! 

Tanya R.

Great product, will definitely use again. Works as described. Didn’t have to pH my water. 

James R.

AWESOME. The absolute best for cannabis growing. When this is THE ONLY thing that top cannabis growers use, that says something. Expensive but very worth it. My plants are doubling about every day. AMAZING stuff.

 Matt K.

Just used my second week of feeding with Gold Leaf. I’m impressed with the results so far.

Chris W.

I’ll give you a quick review. It’s awesome! Used the same bottle through the entire grow. I use less than recommended and my plants love it. The only extra I use is golden tree and orca. That’s it. Super simple. The initial cost is more yes, but you will save hundreds in the long run. You’re using a 1 part nutrient start to finish. No veg A&B bloom plus all the extra amendments. Think long term and this stuff is totally worth it. 1 bottle for multiple grows. 

 Kara L.

My first grow using Gold Leaf and my plants look great after only 20 days. So I wanted to let you know that I’m a customer for life. I promise you that and thank you again.

Customer comment on social media.

Hello all …. I’ve been using GOLD LEAF hydroponic nutrients in my hydro set up in my greenhouse for the past month now and I marvel over the simplicity of not having to test my well water for pH or anything else. GOLD LEAF is about as easy as it gets when adding it to the tub for water distribution via a small sub pump. I have the pump on a timer where it comes on for 30 minutes and is off for the same amount of time. The Bok choi and other plants are beautiful and Vibrant green with no browning of leaves and they look VERY healthy. Although we’re just getting started in hydro growing, we plan on a few other different type of growing using GOLD LEAF as the nutrient of choice!!!! 

Customer comment on social media

Got my bottle a few weeks ago, plants are looking great so far. 

Don H.

Cannot say enough good things about this product. I have tried many different nutrients but Gold Leaf is by far the best product I have come across. Thanx so much.

Johnny at Garden Store

This stuff works amazing with anything you throw at it. Do yourself and your garden a favor with Gold Leaf. Easiest stuff to use on the market. 

Kenneth D.

So far, it’s outperforming anything I have used yet. 

Frank F

Before Gold Leaf, I tried them all. Gold Leaf quite simply blows the others away. You’re going to love it … definitely a game changer for me.

Jay W.

I’ve been using the same blend for 10 years and this Gold Leaf just brought all my harvest to a whole new experience. Tropicana cookies is my current strain. They are way ahead of schedule with this new Gold Leaf product. Love it. 

Jeff G.

Just get it. You won’t be disappointed … this is the only one you will need. Well maybe some Cal Mag and some Recharge, but no more 6 to 8 bottles of other nutes. Saves time and money. Love this stuff. 


I am absolutely head over heels for this nutrient. I won’t be switching, maybe not ever. It’s a concentrate, it will balance your pH, will help dechlorinate your tap water, has all the macro and micro nutrients plants need. 

Customer comment on social media

If you’ve been considering something simpler to use in your garden, then look no further. Gold Leaf makes it super easy with their all in one fertilizer. 

Ken G.

I’m doing a side by side of two plants. The one that I’ve given Gold Leaf has already grown 4” taller than the other one. I’ll keep you updated. Thank you.

Ren K.

Hands down best nutes. I will never change my mind. 

Horticulturist comment on social media

I’m so happy I started using Gold Leaf! This stuff is everything they say it is. 

 Tyler P.

It’s truly amazing to me, actually its simplicity and effectiveness!


Maui Bob

Since I was one of the first growers in the United States to have the opportunity to try Gold Leaf before its release, I thought I’d give my honest opinion about this nutrient. I’ve been part of the growing community for going on 10 years now and I’ve strived for the best possible results with the least amount of effort. I was actually asked to try out the product for my favorite grow shop. I tested it side by side with my favorite nutrient line, which is also one of the cleanest lines, and the results were fantastic! A true one part base nutrient. I really can’t emphasize enough how easy this product is to use. Also, you only flush at the end of your bloom cycle. I’m on my 4 th grow using Gold Leaf, 2 side by side with other nutrients and 2 by itself. The results have been better than expected each time. I recommend Gold Leaf to anyone that’s starting out and would like to keep things simple.

Tara W.

Thank you Gold Leaf. Used the nutrients on my first grow. The simplicity of use was a huge plus! Made my experience that much better. Currently using again. Having huge success. Thank you.

August P.

I’ve used it and love it. It’s awesome.

Keirstyn P.

I started hydroponic cannabis with a lot more time and energy and had a whole feeding regimen. I really don’t have time to dedicate to my plants like I used to. I was running low on my old GH nutrients and figured if anything else might be able to make my life simpler. I switched up the feeding regimen midway through the grow and went from considering tossing the entire plant to having a plant I am actually happy to work with. I mean, I really beat this plant up, but you guys have made a world of difference with this product and, quite dankly, I’m blown away at the improvement in just a few weeks. They certainly won’t hit the record books for weight produced but damn, these plants look so HEALTHY now. This is the best my plants have ever looked and I hope you guys never stop selling it.

Jeff G.

First grow using only this and cal mag. No problems whatsoever. GREAT product so far. Absolutely love this stuff. Well worth the money. Gonna stay with this. 

 Kelly A.

Worth every penny! Gold Leaf is the way to go. Look out other competitors.

Tim C. 

Our first test was successfully completed. We did flower two identical plants and must say, the buds are bigger, firmer and more smell than the other plants ….. We are confident in your product so I am going to try it in veg on a few and flower four of our top strains for test 2. 

Tony A., Store Owner

Pure High 420 in Michigan sells Gold Leaf. It’s an awesome product.

 Chris D.

Best stuff on the market.

Lloyd S.

I have used Gold Leaf in six soil grows and two coco grows. It really is amazing. I have been perpetually growing for 18 years and have tried a lot of different nutes. The last brand had 18 different bottles. I tried Gold Leaf on one plant the first time because I didn’t believe it would do very good. Now, it’s all I’m using. I wish I could show some pictures here. I don’t know anyone from the company and don’t work for them. 

Customer comment on social media

So, with a total of 121 seeds, popped the biggest project I have taken on to date. I was looking for a nutrient line that would make my life easier. I found Gold Leaf, a one-step fertilizer from veg to bloom and no pH adjustments needed. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, I must say, I’m a believer. Proof is in the pudding. My plants love it so far. 

Michael L.

The only way to go!! Love this, man.

Jo D

Round 2 set up and rocking. They are absolutely crushing it with Gold Leaf and Fishshit. Simple. It works. End of story. 

Philip C.

I was a skeptic, but not anymore. This stuff works! 

Michigan’s MMReport

420 Competition Winner, The Leaf Doctor, winner of 93 cups, picked up 4 more cups using Gold Leaf Fertilizer. 1st Place: Sativa (13); 1st Place: Indica Ha Ha OG; 2nd Place: Hybrid Cakebakez; 3rd Place: Sativa Top Hat

Ray G

Proud supporter of this fantastic product. 

Adam B.

I used it on a few plants for whole cycle and was very impressed with the outcome. For some reason, I decided to try a different company and after all was said and done, I think I may just have to stick with Gold Leaf. 

Danny M.

Great stuff and ease of use makes it well worth it. 

Mitch P.

Love Gold Leaf. So easy. And results are spot on. 

Customer comment on social media

Amazed by the Gold Leaf. It’s that simple. One bottle. That’s it. 

Frank F.

If you’re looking for a way to get your plants to produce the best yields and flavors possible, check out Gold Leaf. They’re super easy to use and make all your plants grow like champs. 

 Dan S.

This stuff is great. My plants are healthy and more potent than ever before.

Michael A.

Love this stuff. Ordering more soon. 

Matthew M.

Can’t recommend Gold Leaf enough.


I have used this product on my recent grow. My harvest was amazing. It is for real. No joke. 

Customer comment on social media

Look at them roots I got from one bottle with no pH up or down. Best one bottle I ever used. 

Jeffrey K. Buckner, MO

Will, this is my 2nd order of Gold Leaf. I have used it in my Auto Pot system and I LOVE IT! The fact that I don’t have to worry about the pH of my water is a relief. Thank you for such a wonderful product. 

Christine B.

I use this growing in coco so I add cal mag, and during flower I add a little Signal. I highly recommend anyone wanting to simplify your feeding to give it a shot. I really love it.

Gary M.

I am a beginner. Tried Gold Leaf. Makes me look like a pro. 


Gold Leaf works! One step process is definitely time saving. Depending on the plants, their easy to follow instructions will guide you through your growing season. 

Mindy H

I hope Gold Leaf is doing well. Used it on my ferns last summer and they were incredible

Customer comment on social media

Thank you! My plants are thriving and growing like crazy since starting up about a month ago. And not worrying about mixing nutrients, adding cal/mag and checking pH has been so nice!